Thursday, July 16, 2020

Self Care Reflection

Recently I have been doing my Family Tree which has lead me to reflect on some of the things that have happened in my life that I have not really given any thought to until now and how these little things have affected my future creative being.
Let me tell this story and see if you maybe you can relate to it.

When I was a little a girl of about 8/9yrs old I entered an Art Competition (I loved to draw) at the local country fair in a small country town where I lived at the time. I was very happy and proud with my texta drawn and colored picture of a tree but did not have any expectations in the competition. In fact by the time the judging day came around I had forgotten I had even entered.

Anyways on way to the local fair I popped in to see my Dad at work. He was the local Railways Station Master. There I found out that I had won my age group in the competition, I was so happy and proud but my Dad was prouder I think. He gave me 20cents as a reward WOW 20cents that was a lot for a 8/9 yr old then. (we are talking about 45+yrs ago). I went onto the fair and went to see my winning art piece. I was standing there being congratulated by all the adults, mums and dads of my friends from school etc. but now I think on it there were no congrats from friends or my 3 brothers or sister (sister was to young lol). At the time I thought nothing of it. I was just soaking up the attention.

Later that day we had like a pageant of floats on trucks down the main street. During this procession there was a raffle being drawn and my brother had a ticket in. After begging Mum for the money to buy it. Well anyways a long story short he won that raffle. His prize was a very bright lime green bean bag, they were of course all the rage back then and he became very popular with his peers very quickly. 

Everyone was so happy discussing jumping congratulating etc. and my achievement was lost. I understand that we were only kids still learning our emotions etc.

But I do wonder where in my creative journey I would be now IF I had continued to draw. But what if our IF's were fairies and those IF's were takin by these fairies and later when you are ready to embrace that IF the fairies now return that IF to you in the form of an opportunity. 

Sounds a bit way out there but if opportunity knocks shouldn't we at least open the door?
Look for your IF's they may be out there....

Well I don't know about you but I feel little better for getting this out … thank you for taking the time to read it.💓

 Until next Time ….CRAFT ON !!!!

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